Dzanc Books Announces $10,000 Fiction Prize

Writers, check this out: Dzanc Books has announced their inaugural “Dzanc Books Prize for Fiction” with a $10K prize and publication with the press in the fall of 2017. You may know of Dzanc Books as the publisher of books by authors such as William Gay, Jac Jemc, Shya Scanlon, Carmiel Banasky, Andrew Sullivan, and more. Here’s a great chance to get your name on that list.

The full press release is below.

For Immediate Release

Dzanc Books Announces Inaugural Dzanc Books Prize for Fiction

New York, NY (March 21, 2016): The Dzanc Books Prize for Fiction recognizes daring, original, and innovative writing. A $10,000 advance and publication in Fall 2017 by Dzanc Books will be awarded to the winner. Finalists will be compiled in-house and passed along for evaluation by this year’s judges: Carmiel Banasky (The Suicide of Claire Bishop), Kim Church (Byrd), and Andrew F. Sullivan (Waste).

Dzanc Books has championed a number of formally innovative works and writers, and our judges are an excellent example of the importance of fostering and cultivating the careers of our authors. Kim Church won the Crook’s Corner Book Prize for Best Debut Novel set in the South and the Independent Publisher Book Award Bronze Medal for Literary Fiction for her marvelous debut, Byrd. Carmiel Banasky, with her own debut, The Suicide of Claire Bishop, received glowing praise, including starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly and Library Journal. Most recently, Andrew Sullivan’s novel, Waste, has quickly climbed to the top of readers’ to-read piles and has been featured on a number of writers to watch lists.

The contest is open to new, upcoming, and established writers alike. Agented submissions are also eligible. All submitted works must be previously unpublished novel-length manuscripts and should include a brief synopsis, author bio, and contact information. The full work should be formatted as a Word .doc or .docx file free of page numbers, headers, or footers.

We will accept submissions from April 1st, 2016 through September 30th, 2016 via our Submittable page. There is a $25 submission fee. (Note: we will not accept physical entries.) The winner will be notified directly on November 1st, 2016, and a public announcement will follow on the Dzanc Books webpage.

Dzanc Books is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All contest fees will go toward funding the prize as well supporting Dzanc’s commitment to producing quality literary works, providing creative writing instruction in public schools through the Dzanc Writers-in-Residence program, and offering low-cost workshops for aspiring authors. In addition to this year’s prize for fiction, Dzanc will also operate its annual Short Story Competition and Nonfiction contests.


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