Midweek Links: Literary Links from Around the Web (May 11th)

Looking for some interesting reading to get you through the week? Here are some literary links from around the web to check out:

Sorry, writers, but science says you are probably a psychopath

A celebration of the incomparable Love and Rockets graphic novels

It was SF legend Gene Wolfe’s birthday this week

You think George R.R. Martin is bad, check out these authors who took forever to write a sequel

A short guide to the far-out world of Afrofuturism

The fine art of literary hate mail

David Ulin on the literary bond he had with his father

FSG is starting a new experimental imprint

James Franco won’t make a Blood Meridian movie after all

How a weird porn author trolled the Rapid Puppies’ Hugo campaign

Horrible mothers in fiction who will make you happy for yours

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