Title Your Inspirational Memoir With Our Handy Chart

What’s your “Eat, Pray, Love”? We’ve made it easy to find out

What’s your “Eat, Pray, Love”? We’ve made it easy to find out

Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love sold more than ten million copies and was made into a movie starring Julia Roberts: in other words, basically the ultimate dream of anyone who writes a memoir. Publishing can be unpredictable, and it’s hard to know which stories are going to take off, but in this case we’re pretty sure the magic is in the title. People love to be handed wisdom on life in the form of short, imperative verbs.

So how can you get a piece of the pie? By creating your own inspirational memoir, using nothing but your initials and our handy chart. (This is designed for people with a first, middle, and last name, but if you have more names, your book will just be bossier, which isn’t necessarily bad! If you have fewer names, just add the initials of whoever you want to play you in the movie.) All we ask is that you donate some of your millions of dollars to Electric Lit when you’re done!

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